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Catholic women join The UCM for a
variety of reasons as meetings provide
fellowship and friendship and are a blend
of social and spiritual activities.
The UCM meeting, literature and
contacts provide ongoing fresh interests.
There are opportunities for varied and
valuable Catholic action but nothing
should be undertaken at the expense of
personal family life. Through unity with
other members, many thousands strong,
greater influence can be exerted on public
affairs that affect marriage and family life.
United in prayer, members never face
life's difficulties alone but are strengthened
by the support of fellow members.


'The family which lives
love even though imperfectly,
and opens itself generously
to the rest of society, is the
primary agent of a future of
peace.A civilisation of peace
is not possible if love is lacking'.
Pope John Paul II
The UCM is 'family'

An organisation that believes in:

Marriage and Family
The Power of Prayer

Justice and Peace
Helping the marginalised

and those in difficulty

Christian Values

Friendship and fun,
and lots more ...

ucm leaflet


National Secretary: Angela Batey


Tel number 0151 4895144

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