Leader: “The harvest indeed is great but the labourers are few. Pray ye therefore the Lord of the Harvest, that He send labourers into his harvest”. (Luke 10: 2)

Response: God our Father, you have chosen to call men and women in every age to reveal your love and make known the reality of the Incarnation. You invite all people to follow you in a life of love and service in your church. Enkindle in us a true sense of vocation.

Grant, lord, that those whom you call to enter the priesthood may accept generously so that the sacrifice of the Mass will continue to be offered throughout the world. Mat priests and religious be constantly given to your Church so that people in need will always enjoy, through them, your ministry of healing and find your help.

Give us your grace to recognise the path you are inviting us to take and the courage to respond. We make our prayers through Jesus Christ, Our Lord. Amen.